Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tumblr Roleplaying

Ok, I hope I'm not overstepping into my interests, but I absolutely love Tumblr roleplaying. It's kind of like roleplaying and writing combined. If you'd like an example, you can visit:

bambi-andrews.tumblr.com (FC: Andrew Garfield) (Nice young man, very awkward. Works at a circus. Based on Bambi from the Disney movie.)

jackson-loffington.tumblr.com (FC: Michael Fassbender) (Bitter man of 34, very rustic and sarcastic. Works as a paleontologist/paleontology professor. Loves velociraptors)

greg-peterson.tumblr.com (FC: Jared Padalecki) (Sassy man of 23, sarcastic and trolly. Works as a bassist. Is in a relationship that he's not sure he's enjoying.)

peter-broome.tumblr.com  (FC: Daniel Gillies) (Distant man at the age of 36, quiet and clever. Works as an advertiser. Based on Vic from Cujo.)

(All of these are mine, but I didn't write Bambi's biography, unlike the others)

To get the gist of everything, you can look at any of those. Here's some vocabulary you may want to know:
Para - A couple paragraphs of one's character doing something with someone else. (Self para is a para with oneself)

That's about it. Just thought I should inform you all as a heads up.

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