Saturday, April 20, 2013

Disney movies, man, Disney movies

They're all so sad and feels-y. Let's look at some recent ones, shall we?

Up! (2009) - Carl Fredericksen is an old man with his heart set on a tropical paradise. Attaching balloons to his house, as he can't afford any other way to travel, he gets stuck on an adventure with local boy scout Russel, meeting the talking golden retriever Dug and colorful bird Kevin along the way.

Pull at my heart strings - Carl's wife and childhood friend, Ellie, is shown in the first scene. There's a montage of events, such as marriage, pregnancy, miscarriage, moving in, and saving up for an excellent trip as a part of Ellie's "My Adventure Book" from her childhood. But, before they can go, she gets ill and doesn't get better. So, Carl embarks alone, hoping to keep his late wife's memory alive.

You might as well kill me -

  • Right before Ellie falls ill, Carl gets plane tickets to Paradise Falls and plans on presenting them to her where they had their first date. Yet, she becomes weak on the hill up and ends up in the hospital.
  • A worker accidentally knocks into Carl's mailbox which has Ellie and his handprints on it and he becomes very defensive, hitting the man with his walker.
  • Carl's house is in shambles during attack and the only thing he manages to save without a scratch on it is a picture of Ellie
  • Carl sets his and Ellie's chair back up and sits beside Ellie's and flips through the Adventure Book.
  • Carl moves his and Ellie's chair out of the house to sit at the top of the waterfall right beside each other
  • Before Ellie dies, Carl sends her a note attached to a balloon
  • Carl keeps her note that she wrote on her death bed in the Adventure Book saying "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own.
  • Russel's dad isn't there to pin the badge on Russel, so Carl comes instead and bestows his most prized possession, "The Ellie Badge." This badge is a cap of grape soda that Ellie said was the Adventure Club's logo.
Brave (2012) - The perfect mother-daughter film, Merida is a young Scottish girl who is taught to be a proper princess, despite what she enjoys. Merida follows the will-o-wisps (?) and is led to a witch who says she can change Merida's fate, thus creating the well-known quote, "If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?" However, the spell she casts is unexpected and Merida's harsh mom is turned into a bear.

Pull at my heart strings - Merida never wanted to be the princess she has to be, much to her mother's chagrin. But, after her mother begins feeling ill, she turns into a bear and they must find out how to save her. They embark on a large journey, Merida's mom almost dying.

You might as well kill me -

  • The witch says the only way to reverse the curse is to "mend the bond torn by pride."
  • Merida's mom about dies in a battle against another bear, resulting in many tears shed.
  • The entire mother-daughter idea
Tangled (2010) - Rapunzel has been locked in a tower for the past seventeen years, only hoping to see the floating lanterns on her eighteenth birthday. When her birthday comes and her mom refuses, she meets stranger and thief, Flynn Rider who says he'll take her to see the floating lanterns. The two begin to fall for each other, much to her forever-young mom's chagrin.

Pull at my heart strings - For her entire life, she has been confined. Her mom says it's because it's dangerous in the real world, when, in reality, she just didn't want to lose her source of eternal youth.

You might as well kill me -

  • Rapunzel's mother makes all her affection statements to her hair, not to Rapunzel.
  • Rapunzel paints pictures of her watching the flying lanterns on her wall when she is eighteen.
  • Her mom constantly takes hits at her confidence, covering it up with "just kidding."
  • Flynn looks as though he is leaving with the treasure when, in reality, he's been tied up and is to be 'hanged for his crimes.'
  • Flynn almost dies saving Rapunzel.
Monsters Incorporated (2001) - James P. Sullivan and Mike Wazowski, your two average monsters leading their average lives. Sully is the top scarer and Mike helps him with everything he needs. Yet, one day, a little girl called Boo gets out under their watch, and, if anyone found out, it could jeopardize the company.

Pull at my heart strings - Sully grows an attachment to Boo as he continues, something that's practically against the policy.

You might as well kill me -

  • When Sully has to give the scaring demonstration, Boo fears him for the next multiple hours.
  • When Sully must leave Boo, the last thing you hear from her is "Kitty...?" (her nickname for Sully is 'Kitty')
  • Mike pieces together the door after it's been shredded to pieces.
  • The last scene is Sully entering the door and saying, "Boo?" and the response of "Kitty."

Toy Story 3 (2010) - Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potatohead, Mrs. Potatohead, Jessie, Barbie, Rex, Slinky, Ham, Bullseye, Andy, and the others are back for a new adventure. The toys feel unappreciated as Andy leaves for college and, thinking they were put in the garbage when his mom accidentally grabbed the wrong back, get out of the bag and hop in the box going to the daycare, much to the dismay of Woody who saw what had happened.

Pull at my heart strings - The toys finally realize what it's like to be left behind by the one they love most, even though Andy didn't mean for them to end up there.

You might as well kill me -

  • Andy is seen panicking about why his old toys aren't in the attic.
  • When Andy gets his toys back, he gives them to young Bonnie when he found them in his car, the address being her house. However, he is hesitant to give up Woody.
  • As Andy pulls away, Woody says "Goodbye, old friend."

-Crying Jane

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