Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hello, inter-webs. I'm Jane, I kind of specialize in cheesy jokes, I enjoy writing, I want to marry Andrew Garfield, and I can be a sarcastic little ass (but I won't be one to you shhhhh). I probably say 'shhhh' too much, it's become a habit of mine. I watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, and the Middle faithfully and I've committed my life to Batman and Nightwing. My friends and I, since we were ten, have been making a dumb video series called "Trapped in ____." They should be up on YouTube eventually. Each time, it features a new search time looking for a part of the original gang who was in "Trapped in the Digestive System" (we were learning about it in health, ok?). I'll elaborate on that in the next post.
Anyways, here, have some Andrew.


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